6 May 2020
Local African organizations are making a major contribution to containing the pandemic. Over time, they have demonstrated their social usefulness and their capacity for resilience. AUDA-NEPAD very early on understood the magnitude of the pandemic and the importance of a coordinated continental response. We have forged partnerships and mobilized resources, setting up a Coronavirus fund […]
3 Apr 2020
Never before has the African Union borne its name so well. The pandemic continues its course, with new cases every day and our continent, hitherto spared, is seeing a surge in the number of infected people. It is no longer a question of whether we are ready to fight it, but rather of taking it […]
26 Feb 2020
In the aftermath of the 33rd African Union Summit on the theme “Silencing the guns”, we reaffirm AUDA-NEPAD’s role in peacekeeping in the name of economic and social development. When Agenda 2063 was published, we had set a deadline of 2020 for the silence of arms. Once this dramatic observation has been made, we must […]
26 Dec 2019
When the year comes to an end, it is important to remember the highlights of the past twelve months. As a passionate reader, I chose the five books that caught my attention in 2019. 1. “Does capitalism have a future?”, Immanuel Wallerstein, Randall Collins, Craig Calhoun, Michael Mann, Georgi Derluguian In this important collective work, five […]
16 Sep 2019
African success stories are multiplying in the private sector, each more inspiring than the next. A striking fact explains some of the dazzling successes whether start-ups, telecommunications companies or banks: a bottom-up approach, which starts from the realities on the ground to design solutions adapted to needs, from the most local to the most global. […]
29 May 2019
Whether formal or informal, remittances from the diaspora have long been undervalued. However, they characterize a large part of Africa’s financial life. These financial flows between individuals contribute significantly to the economic growth of African countries: between 10% and 20% of the GDP of some countries, from Senegal to Lesotho, thanks to remittances that are sent through formal channels. According to the World Bank, money transfers to Sub-Saharan Africa represent $46 billion for […]
13 May 2019
Africa and the statistical challenge Africa must invest in the production of better quality data, because the lack of reliable and independent statistical systems can compromise diagnosis and forecasting. Many analyses are distorted by the lack of reliable statistics. Thus, in many countries, the Gross Domestic Product is underestimated, says Carlos Lopes. But if wealth is poorly measured, how can appropriate […]
3 May 2019
On the occasion of the 26th World Press Freedom Day, celebrated in Addis Ababa on 2-3 May and jointly organized by the Ethiopian Government, the African Union and UNESCO, it is essential to recall that this day finds its origin on the African continent. It was indeed the Windhoek Declaration of 1991 on the struggle […]
29 Apr 2019
On 29 April, I travelled to Stellenbosch, in the Western Cape Province of South Africa to hold a discussion with the 2019 Desmond Tutu Fellows. My book, Africa’s Critical Choices, triggered an engaging discussion and I exhorted the Tutu Fellows to diligently try and link technical solutions to political ones in whatever they do. I gave […]
2 Apr 2019
In Africa, we often talk about the opportunities offered by “leapfrog”, these technological leaps that will allow the continent to develop more rapidly by learning from the experiences of other countries and by adopting new technologies more quickly. But if there is one step that Africa will not be able to skip, it is infrastructure. Because, despite its openness to the outside world, with […]